Transform Your Upper Body: 1-Hour Push Workout on the Ares™ 2.0 Cable Machine

Man working out on the Ares 2.0 cable machine

The Ares™ 2.0 cable machine attachment is an incredible addition to your power rack, offering a versatile range of exercises to target every muscle group efficiently.

This 1-hour upper-body push workout is crafted to optimize muscle engagement, boost strength, and sculpt a defined physique -- emphasis on your push muscles. Ideal for all fitness levels, this workout will help you leverage the Ares™ 2.0 attachment and its various handles to their fullest potential.   

Warm-Up Routine for Upper-Body Push Workout (10 minutes) 

Arm Circles for Shoulder Warm-Up (2 minutes)  

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms to the sides. Make small circles forward for 1 minute, then backward for 1 minute. 

Tip: Keep your arms straight and actively engage your shoulder muscles.   

Resistance Band Pull-Aparts for Shoulder Activation (3 minutes)  

Man doing band pull-aparts as part of his warm-up

Hold a resistance band (like this Pull-Up Band) with both hands, arms extended straight in front of you. Pull the band apart by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Perform 2 sets of 15 reps. 
Engage your core and avoid arching your back. 

Dynamic Chest Stretch for Pre-Workout Flexibility (2 minutes)  

Place your hands on your hips, push your elbows back, and stretch your chest. Hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat for 2 minutes. Maintain an upright posture throughout the stretch. 

Resistance Band Shoulder Warm-Up Exercises (3 minutes)  

Attach a resistance band to a stable surface at waist height. Perform internal and external rotations. Keep your elbow close to your side, moving only your forearm.  

Internal: Pull the band toward your body (15 reps each arm). 

External: Pull the band away from your body (15 reps each arm). 

Main Push Day Workout Routine (45 minutes) 

Cable Chest Press for Pectoral Strength (10 minutes)  

Woman doing chest flies on the Ares 2.0

Attach D-handles to the Ares™ 2.0 cable machine at chest height. Stand with one foot forward, grasp handles, and press them forward. Perform 3 sets of 12 reps.

Tip: Keep your elbows slightly bent and avoid locking them out during the press. 

Cable Shoulder Press for Deltoid Engagement (8 minutes)  

Attach handles to the Ares™ 2.0 cable machine at shoulder height. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, grasp handles, and press them overhead. Perform 3 sets of 12 reps. Engage your core and avoid arching your back. 

 Cable Incline Chest Fly for Upper Pectoral Definition (7 minutes)  

Attach D-handles to the Ares™ 2.0 cable machine at a low position. Stand with one foot forward, grasp handles, and perform an incline fly motion. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows and lift to shoulder height. 

You can also do incline flies on an incline bench, like the AB-5200 2.0

Man doing flies on an incline bench

Cable Tricep Pressdown for Arm Toning (6 minutes)  

Woman doing cable pressdowns

Attach a straight bar or the Tricep Rope to the high pulley of the Ares™ 2.0 cable machine. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, grasp the bar, and press it down. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.
 Keep your elbows close to your body and fully extend your arms. 

Cable Front Raise for Shoulder Strength (6 minutes)  

Attach a straight bar to a low pulley position on the Ares™ 2.0 cable machine. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, grasp the bar, and raise it to shoulder height. Perform 3 sets of 12 reps. 

Tip: Engage your core and avoid swinging your body. 

Cable Overhead Tricep Extension for Tricep Development (8 minutes)  

Man working out on the Ares 2.0 
Attach a Tricep Rope to the high pulley of the Ares™ 2.0 cable machine. Stand with your back to the machine, grasp the rope with both hands, and extend it overhead. Perform 3 sets of 12 reps. Keep your elbows close to your head and avoid moving your upper arms.  

Cool Down Routine for Muscle Recovery (5 minutes)  

Cooldown after push day

Static Stretching for Upper-Body Flexibility (5 minutes)  

Perform stretches for each major upper-body muscle group, holding each stretch for 30 seconds: 

Chest Stretch: Place your arm against a wall and gently turn away. 

Shoulder Stretch: Bring one arm across your body and hold with the opposite arm.

Tricep Stretch: Bring one arm overhead and down your back, holding the elbow with the opposite hand. 

Upper Back Stretch: Clasp your hands in front of you and push forward, rounding your upper back. 

Want to Learn More? 

Learn more about cooling down and recovery here:

Useful Tips for Effective Workouts 

A detail shot of the Ares 2.0
  • Maintain Proper Form for Injury Prevention: Ensure good posture and engage your core throughout each exercise to prevent injury and maximize effectiveness. 
  • Controlled Movements for Maximum Muscle Activation: Perform exercises in a slow and controlled manner to increase muscle activation and reduce the risk of injury. 
  • Breathing Techniques for Optimal Performance: Exhale during the exertion phase (lifting or pushing) and inhale during the return phase (lowering or releasing). 
  • Weight Selection for Progressive Overload: Choose a weight that allows you to complete the prescribed reps with good form but still feels challenging by the last few reps. 
  • Progression Strategies for Continuous Improvement: Gradually increase the weight or number of reps as you become stronger to continue making progress. 


An athlete doing cable exercises on the Ares 2.0

Can beginners perform this workout?  

Yes, beginners can perform this workout by starting with lighter weights and gradually increasing the intensity as they become more comfortable and stronger. 

What should I eat before and after this workout?  

Consume a balanced meal with carbohydrates and protein about 1-2 hours before the workout. Post-workout, have a meal or snack with protein and carbs to aid muscle recovery and replenish energy stores. 

What makes the Ares™ 2.0 cable attachment unique?  

The Ares™ 2.0 cable attachment is versatile, allowing for a wide range of exercises. It easily attaches to your power rack and provides consistent tension throughout each movement, enhancing muscle activation and growth. Learn more about the Ares™ 2.0 attachment here.

Can I add more exercises to this routine?  

Yes, you can add more exercises targeting different muscle groups, but be mindful of the workout duration and avoid overtraining.  

How do I prevent injuries during this workout?  

Focus on proper form, controlled movements, and using appropriate weights. Always warm up before starting and cool down after the workout. 

The Ares 2.0 attachment

Bottom line:
 This 1-hour upper-body push workout using the Ares™ 2.0 cable attachment is designed to target all major muscle groups, ensuring a balanced and effective training session. By following the outlined exercises and tips, you'll be on your way to achieving a stronger, more sculpted upper body. Remember to maintain proper form, gradually increase intensity, and listen to your body to prevent injuries and maximize results.