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Color Bumper Plates (LB)
Color Bumper Plates (LB) - 10lb Pair (Gray)
  • Full set of Color Bumper Plate Pairs: gray 10, black 15, green 25, yellow 35, blue 45, and red 55lb pairs.
  • Close-up view of blue 45lb color bumper plate showing white raised
  • Full set of Color Bumper Plate Pairs: gray 10, black 15, green 25, yellow 35, blue 45, and red 55lb pairs.
  • Close-up view of the steel insert which has hooks molded into the plate to provide greater durability than typical bumpers.
  • Close-up view of red 55lb color bumper plate showing white raised
  • Close-up view of each colored plate lined up. Photo is clear in the front and beings to blur towards the back.
  • Lifter in set-up position to perform a snatch with a barbell loaded with a pair of green 25lb colored bumper plates.
  • Lifter dropping a barbell loaded with a pair of green 25lb colored bumper plates from shoulder height after having performed a snatch.
  • A barbell loaded with a pair of green 25lb colored bumper plates falling to the ground after being dropped by a lifter.
  • Lifter in set-up position to perform a snatch with a barbell loaded with a pair of yellow 35lb colored bumper plates.
  • A barbell loaded with a pair of blue 45lb colored bumper plates falling to the ground after being dropped by a lifter.
  • Close-up view of a lifter loading a red 55lb colored bumper plate onto a barbell on the floor.
  • Lifter at the top position of a deadlift using a barbell loaded with a pair of red 55lb colored bumper plates.
  • Lifter in set-up position to perform a clean with a barbell loaded with a pair of red 55lb colored bumper plates.
  • Lifter in finish position of a split jerk with a barbell overhead loaded with a pair of red 55lb colored bumper plates.
  • Close-up view of a lifter standing over a barbell on the ground after having just loaded it with a pair of red 55lb and blue 45lb colored bumper plates.
  • Lifter at the top position of a deadlift using a barbell loaded with a pair of red 55lb and blue 45lb colored bumper plates.
  • Close-up view of a red 55lb colored bumper plate loaded on a barbell that is racked on j-cups in a REP power rack.
  • Side view of a lifter with a barbell in the back rack position that is loaded with a pair of red 55lb colored bumper plates.





  • Should I get bumper plates or iron plates?

    Bumper plates are manufactured to withstand drops onto the floor, which is desirable for Olympic weightlifting (snatch, clean and jerk, hang cleans), where you often drop the plates onto the ground. Iron plates are better for lifts that do not involve the weights hitting the ground (such as bench press, squats, and curls), because they can cause damage to the floor, the barbell, and to the plates themselves.

  • Do I need to do anything when I first receive the bumper plates?

    When bumper plates arrive, unpack, and let them air out for a few days to allow any odor, however faint, to air out.

  • What can I do to extend the life span of my bumper plates?

    To extend their life span, try to drop plates as close to straight down as possible. If your bar collars get loose during a workout, try to retighten them so your plates always land straight up and down. This will lessen the sideways force on the bumper plate insert. Also, flooring with some type of give (like heavy-duty rubber mats or a weightlifting platform) will help absorb some of the impact from dropping the plates.

  • Can I load bumper and iron plates on the same bar?

    We do not recommend this, because iron and bumper plates can have slightly different diameters, meaning all the force from dropping the weights goes into the larger plate, causing those plates and your barbell to wear more quickly. It is best to keep all plates on your bar of the same type.

  • Do REP Color Bumper Plates (LB) have a warranty?

    Yes, the 10 and 15 lb plates come with a 6-month warranty for both home and commercial use. The 25, 35, 45, and 55lb plates come with a 3-year warranty for home use and a 1-year warranty for commercial use.

    Please note though, that the warranty is void if the bumper plates are mixed with Hi-Temp style plates. Hi-Temps have a smaller diameter than regular plates, which means a bar loaded with a mix of REP's bumper plates and Hi-Temps will result in the bumper plates taking all of the load, causing them to degrade faster.

California Proposition 65 Notice